Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Weekend in Review

With season 6 of AI underway, I'm free to comment on the venues Coco's family and I visited on Monday. In order of visit:

The Watermill
"The bouquet is red". This is the code phrase Coco and I had to come up with so that when either one of us was talking to the other on the phone and needed to subtly say "No" in front of the venue rep; AKA - "Not gonna happen". Briefly, the grounds were nice - but average nice, so the ceremony and cocktails hour would be 'nice'. However, the room that would be housing the reception seemed straight out of Buffalo circa 1990.

Carltun on the Park
"The bouquet is not red". For those following, I hope I don't have to explain what this means. The grounds were gorgeous and green and lush even on a dreary, gray MLK Monday. For sure little in the way of decorating would be needed come 'D' day except for the thousands of candles Coco demands; that's how regal and elegant this place looked without being all dolled up. It still amazes me how good a golf course can look in the worst of weather. Also, this was the first venue that actually had a Groom's Room...fellas, don't let your bride-to-be tell you otherwise -they DO exist....and this one just happened to be right down the hall from the...............wait for it............cigar vault. Say it with me, Big A.......cigar vault. Do I need to say anything else?

Carlyle on the Green
Similarly, "The bouquet is not red". There wasn't much that I didn't like about this place either except that if the ceremony is outdoors, it will be on grass. Not ideal conditions for the 3 and 4 inch stilettos that Coco is, achem, "mandating" but that ain't my problem - I'm wearing these. Did I mention the venue sits within spitting distance of the famed Black Course. Needless to say the "Her Way Or The Highway Outing" will involve the services of some golf course, some where. In other circles its referred to as the "The Day of Reckoning Outing". Make sure outing emails don't land in your SPAM mailbox.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

American Idol rules.