Thursday, April 19, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

I'm back on the honeymoon kick. I'm making an executive decision to travel far, FAR AWAY. My reasoning is this: Because a country is somewhere on the other side of the world, does that mean I should not travel there at ANY point in my lifetime? I can't really take a two week vacation every year ( unlike a certain someone I know). So I think that we should travel as far away as humanly possible. My parents have tried to dissuade us from taking a long flight (Please note that my mother has traveled to Japan), that I'll get more value if we traveled a shorter distance. I don' t know, those flights to Hawaii are pretty darn expensive and those pesky flights to Roma are over a grand. Who knows what's going to happen, for now, I'm a dreamer and I'm dreaming HUGE.

How does a 22 hour flight to Thailand sound? Sounds great to me! My wonderful, former boss Terry has kindly put me in touch with a gentleman by the name of Stan. Stan is a world traveler and is currently in Tokyo right as we speak. Terry and Stan traveled together to Thailand before the tsunami and both say that it's FANTASTIC. Even though September gets more rain than any other month, I've been reading that it's like Miami: It pours for 20 minutes during the day and then is beautiful and sunny soon after. I don't know, I'm conflicted. I just feel it's so much more exciting than Tahiti. Thailand has culture, beaches and great food. If we go, I promise to make a full comparison of the food in Thailand to that of Song/Joya. Man, I love their Pad See Yue. =)

Terry also suggested that we should fly through Hong Kong and stay there for a couple of days before heading down to Thailand. Thoughts on that people? Could be fun!


The groom-to-be said...

I'm just about value - what can I say? You'd have to do all of your homework and make a strong point for destinations where I'm traveling beacoup hours either in the air or even before I hit the ground. SIDENOTE-This brings up a great business opportunity - does anyone know of service/site that will allow you to plug in "12 hours from point-of-origin"? That would be cool. Mapped out of course.

The groom-to-be said... much as I like the idea of Thailand, I really don't want to kill 3+ days on traveling and or jet lag acclamation. Show me what the bottom line looks like. That'll make deciding a whole lot easier!

The groom-to-be said...

Thailand is looking more and more like the value play that Coco will be happy with.

Embedded in Brooklyn said...

i guess no one asked me, but I can't see how Thailand is a viable option. It's soooooooo far away and yes, you do spend many many days traveling and you'll be tired and cranky. The food isn't all that's cracked up to be either (from what I understand). It's not song or joya - that's for sure. Steve and Kerry (elite's friends in seattle) travelled to the far east as well and had a horrendous travel experience...

I agree with scope's dad on this one.

If it's a beach you're looking for, why go all that way? Do I sound negative? I just want to be that devil (a good devil) on your shoulder just in case...

Anonymous said...

that's why we have the blog! for G$ to comment. i'm not really going to thailand for the food, more so the experience and culture. and as stated in my post, since it's so far away, does that mean i should never go there in my life time? seems silly to me.

I'd love to chat with E's friends about their experience but i've been on different message boards and travel forums and everyone has nothing but great things to say about traveling to Thailand.... =) so right now, i'm pretty high on Thailand.

Unknown said...

Having been to Thailand I can say it was a wonderful "backpackers" destination. I know there are terrific upscale places you can go, but if ou choose to do that, you might as well go somewhere closer. The isolation of one of those resorts isn't worth going all that way for. BUT, if you're willing to jump in and experience it- it can be wonderful! But it will be more traveling than honeymooning if you know what I mean. I recommend skipping spending time in Bangcock. Ha. No, really. It's rather unpleasant. So is my spelling of the capital of Thailand. And I need my Africa book back!