The topic of "Wedding Photo/Videography" is on the floor. What say ye? We want to hear the good and the bad. Some things to keep in mind when attempting to recall the happiest day of your life:
-image negatives/files
-digital vs. digital only
-CD/DVD production
-indoor vs. outdoor lighting
-when is the perfect time of day?
-before or after the ceremony
-tips on dealing with family
-how much time to alot?
-what would you differently?
Am I missing anything other than cost?
What worked for us, and some parenthetical thoughts...
All of this was done before our early evening ceremony. An earlier ceremony or a belief that groom should not see bride in dress before the big moment would make this less workable.
Outdoor pictures of the two of us (some of our favorites, despite 40 degrees and very windy). Indoor pix of the wedding party and family (with the right backdrop and a thoughtful photographer, the logistical certainty goes a long way for these groups and, for our situation, trumped the outdoor lighting advantages - - the price of a fall wedding on the Lake Erie)
Dealing with family was a key for us… this is not just your wedding, but also an opportunity to have much if not all of your family together, in one place, well dressed and groomed, and at least partially under your control (never happen again). In addition to our bridal party (which, unlike yours, did not outnumber invited guests) we made sure to get pix of all family members in numerous combinations (e.g. all of the men in groom’s family… bride, groom, and bride’s sisters… bride and sisters…. bride, sisters and groom… all grandparents). Maybe put some thought to this… looking back, after the bride/groom pictures (which will probably come together very well regardless) I think that these are the ones we will cherish over time. It is worth it to give everyone in these pix an early deadline to be at the picture venue, and to politely (but firmly) get the different combinations you want in front of the camera. You will love the pictures and they will appreciate it when you send them copies.
Took us about an hour of well orchestrated photography, maybe an hour and a half with travel to lakeshore and back to venue for pix.
What would you have done differently? Pix were great, wish we would have hired a videographer.
Good initial point - Stef's mom is stressing me not seeing her until the ceremony but Stef doesn't want to miss the cocktail hour - am I marrying the right girl or what!?
Love the comment on "well dressed and groomed". Doesn't one imply the other?
"Partially under your control" - will we be that lucky? I'll put some thought familial picture arrangements for sure. Probably down to the minute if I have my way. This can probably wait until the final month or so though.
It will be interesting to see how it actually plays out. I'm lucky Sean and Gil had theirs first b/c I got witness The Mother Syndrome in full effect. I think I'll be ready.
Videographer - check.
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