We have meeting planned with JoVon Photography this Tuesday. I can't imagine it will go much differently but you never can tell.
Am I wrong in expecting a celebratory cocktail at these meetings?? I mean, we are celebrating a wonderful moment in our lives. Perhaps when we actually go to contract. It just seems like the right thing to do.
I am also shocked that up until just recently, I haven't hit Craigslist in search of wedding day services. Craigslist can seem so hit or miss at times. I did, however, come across this wonderful photographer, Farnaz K, who seems to be offering her wedding services at a considerable discount. She is building her wedding portfolio so this might be a great match in terms of value. Check out her stuff here. Thoughts? Preferences?
"Am I wrong in expecting a celebratory cocktail at these meetings??" -- Ummm...NOPE!! *burp* Excuse me.
you're not alone, brother, you're not alone.
I am a photography nut. When we got married, I was adamant about finding a photographer that fulfilled to paramount qualifications:
1)Take great photographs (Read: Blatantly obvious) Being able to mix in a favorable balance of natural lighting while not taking too much away from the subject matter. Although tastes may vary, I like the people who shoot RAW over digital. Digital is great for pictures that normal people take, but I would not trust one of the most momentous of days to a format (digital) that produces color casts, moires, etc.
A photographer who gives you access to ALL of your proofs (this way they can't charge you for any extras that you may want a year or two down the road) This is extrememly pertinent as a good friend of mine wanted subsequent prints and his photographer, whom had already billed him for $6200 day of the wedding, charged him an extra $350 for 20 (not a misprint) additional photos. That's where these guys/gals get you - the "aftermarket"
Good luck
thanks for the input googsnet. not sure how I feel about the RAW over DIGI battle but I agree 100% with comment on the proofs.
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