Using Google's Reader I clearly get a picture of what's going on in the world specific to news I am dying to read about.
Get a load of this juicy, and I suspect controversial, tidbit; David Liu, the money-making genius behind TheKnot.com, is taking bridal decision making skills to a new level. BridesDecide wants brides (& bridegrooms, I suspect) to get more involved in the 2008 presidential election.
They provide some pretty interesting features like side-by-side comparisons by issue (abortion, health care, education, etc.), a voter registration link and various polls about *important* issues.
They've gone so far as to dig up the particulars of each candidate's nuptials complete with real wedding photos. (Oooh.) As expected, former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani's wedding profile is a bit lacking. I'm not sure their programmers knew how to take into account the whole second-cousin thing. Here is NNDB's run-down on him. Please note "Mistress" classifier. Ouch. (disclaimer: I helped elect him into office)
Since I'm knee-deep in guest list F-U-N, I'd love to see what the guests lists look like and what their lifetime political contributions tally up to.
Come to think of it, I'd like to see BridesDecide include *potential* candidates, too; Al Gore, Fred Thompson, Newt Gingrich, Bloomberg, Chuck Nader... Why not, right?!
The US divorce rate (1st marriage is 41%, 2nd marriage is 60%, 3rd marriage is 73%) keeps flashing into my mind - The cynic in me hopes this doesn't somehow project to voter turnout.
Glad to see someone willing to address the most interesting (to my mind) issue in a presidential race that started much too early... the cleavage controversy... http://thinkprogress.org/2007/08/06/msnbc-asks-the-tough-questions/
PS Newt and Nader are potential '08 candidates? Wake me up in '12.
whoa - haven't read about the cleavage incident - rather her than Fred Thompson.
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