And with that I have two pieces of baby-related news:
1) One of my mates from UB (TK in the house!) has had his first baby. Tom and Summer have brought Siena Rose Kassmel into this world. (I'd post a pic but I don't have one - Sorry TK & Summer)
2) Coastie bro Seannie and his wife Jenoa have received a 99.99% confirmation that they are expecting a baby girl. And here I thought they'd be blessed with triplet boys - twins at the least...
definitely almost had a heart attack when i saw the title of this post...haha
yeah, baby, I'm pregnant. Did I forget to tell you?!
dude, no shout out to the cutest (and happiest) baby on the block, Baby EP? He has teeth now! Like, more than 2! And he stands up all by his lonesome! Insanity!
ddddaaammmmn!!!! Way to call me out even though HP was in play already...
baby girls rule!
TOM K- congrats!!
heart, lori
TK - You are going to love it. Congratulations.
G-T-B, HAP loves his mentions in herwayorthehighway... its the baby eqivalent of a mention in the Times' Style pages.
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