Thursday, July 26, 2007

Non-Wedding Babble - Harry Who??

Ever notice the similarities??

Harry Potter: Harry Potter (orphan living with uncle and aunt)
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker (orphan living with uncle and aunt)

Harry Potter: Bearded rescuer Hagrid
Star Wars: Bearded rescuer Obe-Wan

Harry Potter: Magic
Star Wars: The Force

Harry Potter: Wizard
Star Wars: Jedi

Harry Potter: wand
Star Wars: light sabre

Harry Potter: adventures with friends Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger
Star Wars: adventures with friends Han Solo & Princess Leia

Harry Potter: Lord Voldemort
Star Wars: Darth Vader

Harry Potter: Lord Voldemort killed Harry's father
Star Wars: Darth Vader killed Luke's father.

Harry Potter: movie score composed by John Williams
Star Wars: movie score composed by John Williams

Downright uncanny, isn't it. Way to go J(o)K(e) Rowling. Here's even more.


Anonymous said...

Not. Funny.

The groom-to-be said...

Harry......use the force, Harry.

The groom-to-be said...

420 days until the wedding! 420! Hoooooooooooooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

420? At 11 AM? Shouldn't you be working or studying or something?

ps Dobby = JarJar. Not all of the rip offs were good ideas.

Anonymous said...

Dobby does not equal Jar Jar. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

Darth Vader WAS Luke's father.

And I agree, Dobby does NOT equal Jar Jar.

NO SPOILERS, but I love Dobby.

Still have about 300 pages to go...

-mrs. ep