Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thoughts on Hotels

I have absolutely no idea what we're going to do about hotels. Its early, but I can only imagine how many conversations I'm going to have about this.

Do I reserve a block of rooms at a hotel near the venue? If so, selection is limited.

Do I reserve a block of rooms at a hotel in the city? If so, selection is unlimited. (note: this has huge implications on transportation.)

How many people do I need to consider and by when?

Is there a standard number for a given size wedding? 20%? 25%?

Will those already 'in town' stay at a hotel?

What will the average length of stay be? (note: there will be a golf outing - most likely Thursday. Friday is definitely out of the question, right?)

Should I block rooms for just the night of the wedding and have guests decide for themselves?

Where will Coco and her maids be getting ready? Casa de Big A? Hotel? Other? (note: again, huge implications on transportation.)

Where will me and the groomsmen be coming from? Hotel? Bar? Hotel Bar? Other? (note: again, huge implications on transportation.)

When do I have to decide by? G-d forbid we select a hotel that also happens to host similar events and blocks rooms we may want.

And then there are the Bride-To-Be's wishes? (note: I will do my best to keep these in check but just so we are all on the same page, I also refer to her as............wait.................wait for it..............Hotel Snob. Thank you, Big A.)

What are my obligations with all of this? Am I overlooking anything? Who has some great insight for me? Someone? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

you worry too much!

The groom-to-be said...

Not me. I just like to make sure things are planned appropriately.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be nice if you put all of your out-of-town guests up at the parker meridian... maybe a breakfast or two at norma's.

The groom-to-be said...

I would have been sold if you happened to spell it correctly; there are two Es. Moving, I here??

Anonymous said...

Yes. Le Parker Meridien. With a Park View.

The groom-to-be said...

And we'll have a sitter on-site, too. Obviously, you will have at least 3 to choose from. See attached CVs.

Anonymous said...

speling nat my strng point, oviousle.. wil sa that nothing invits blog comints lik th prospek that thae ma b gradid on speling and gramer