The Unity Candle - I've seen it used before but I can't quite recall if it's use was indicative of a religious ceremony or not. Either way, I think it could be used as-is or tweaked to make it more personal.
As one can probably imagine, the bride and groom each take a lit candle and simultaneously light a third larger "unity candle." They may blow out their individual lights, or leave them lit, symbolizing that they have not lost their individuality in their unity. Personally, I'm not fond of blowing out the candles since I think its a bit too easy (and unnerving) to find something symbolic in extinguishing them; me being symbolic and all. [For your trivia buffs, this is similar to the South African !Kung ceremony in which fire from the hearths of the homes of both families is used to start a fire in the newlyweds' home.]
Minister Keith (of NYMarriages) mentioned an alternative yet similarly symbolic ceremony, the sand ceremony. I like the idea but I just don't think it comes off as clean as the candle ceremony. Way too messy if you ask me. What if we use white sand??
I'm a fan of the wine ceremony where the bride and groom each take a carafe of wine and pour it into a single glass, which they both drink from. Heck, I'll drink anything. Even something as weak as wine.
Perhaps we can combine them as follows:
1 part Big A's Campari
1 part her mom's Wild Turkey (Gobble! Gobble!)
1 part Coco's (crap) Bud/Coor's light (no link necessary)
1 part Black Label (I wouldn't dare ruin a single malt doing this!)
1 part Mom's white wine with ice
Shake - because 007 never had it stirred. Pour into holy grail. Sip (or at least pretend to). Take said Holy Grail and attempt to break via foot like the Israeli Nation (representin! hoooo!). I think I've covered all of the bases, no?
In all seriousness, I like the idea of the unity candle and will figure out how best to incorporate it. Logistics within the chapel will most likely drive this.
Sign me up for a Brefanie on the rocks (sans the Bud/Coors... that is not the woman we met), stirred, not shaken (dilution, you know). Love that Wild Turkey (really), though the Times magazine two sundays ago had an ad for Campari featureing Selma Hayek that might make a believer out of me.
Unity candle is nice... Fire! Fire!
fire! fire! I am cornholio!
Sorry EP I hate to disappoint, I do like a nice Bud Light every now and again.
Aunt T is focused on whether she is inputting to blog correctly, so her blogs will be more on the serious side - just to get her 2 cents in:
I really like the unity candle and what it represents. Although the idea of drinking wine (or whatever combo is in at the moment) is extremely attractive, I think the candles would be more effective, visually.
- Aunt T
Aunt T, if she has her way there will probably more than enough candles present during the ceremony.
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