Monday, June 11, 2007

Inspiration? Eh - I Don't Really Think Its Necessary

I've seen a few articles online and in print about the proliferation of people "publicizing" their journey from engagement to wedding. Call it a crime of passion....a crime of love....or just a crime in need of attention. We are indeed guilty of such a crime.

So, too, are the newly married Tuff's. They have a nice website (not really a blog, Aunt T, but here is a nice piece on the differences in each) with a clever and catchy URL ( As you can imagine they are both one half of a pair of identical twins. (Redundant? Yes, but I like it that way!)

They, too, list information on the bridal parties, resources for out-of-town guests and history on couple. It's cute. Perhaps this will be impetus enough to incorporate some more pictures and stories? I'll leave the stories up to Coco since she remembers (and hears!) everything. Everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Coco, tell some stories or post a picture or two or seven. Do something. Please. Thankyouverymuch.


Anonymous said...

i will do something. =)

after we meet with minister Keith.

The groom-to-be said...

I'll believe it when I read it...

Anonymous said...

Nice racy picture! Watch that hit couter spin!!!

Embedded in Brooklyn said...

My goodness - you sure do take lotsa pictures of each other. Nice job embedding the gallery in there. high -tech all the way!!!

The groom-to-be said...

spin, hit counter, spin!

Anonymous said...

we like each other. we like you too =)