Last night we had our officiant interview with Minister Keith from NY Marriages. Coco was running late (Men's Vogue beckons) so Minister Keith and I talked shop and baseball at the bar for a while. (I must admit there are still times when I just don't know where I am when I come above ground from the subway. Does this happen to every New Yorker?? Surely it must.)
The conversation quickly moved away from Mets & the Yankees (sorry, Minister Keith. Let's hope the Metropolitans can stop their losing streak!) as soon as we had cocktails in hand. For the record, Minister Keith, only ordered a Coke. Stella for me and a vibrantly floral 2007 Roisin Dubh for the bride-to-be.
Minister Keith reviewed for us his history, his perspectives on marriage, religion, and naturally, talked a bit about his family. (He and his wife (a Mets fan!) are expecting their 3rd child. They also have a set of one year-old twins - Twins?? Sounds like kismet to me!)
He ran down a 'typical' ceremony and graciously answered ANY questions we had about ANYTHING, either related or unrelated to the ceremony. I can't quite recall what specific questions we asked but the materials he provided covered all of the bases. Baseball pun intended. We spoke about a union ceremony (candle or sand), our vows, readings, who we might like to witness the signing of the marriage license, amongs other things. Needless to say, we're both very excited to work out the details in the upcoming months. He was very positive, over extended himself, and was glad to incorporate anything we wanted into the ceremony that would personalize it. He didn't stop there and as we exited, offered to answer any questions we might have about anything.
Other Minister Keith points of interest:
-He's owned up to using my "pleasantly forgettable" description of officiants with other clients.
-He's taller than I anticipated (due to his photo on the website). 6', maybe 6'1".
-This is not his full-time occupation. He also works in IT.
-He's done 1 ceremony at The Carlyle. I'd be just as happy if we're #2 or #10.
-He participates in a fantasy season-long HR derby that could pay out $$$$. I believe the Mrs. does, too.
(Sorry, Aunt T but The NYSEC is out. A great idea but I think we'd be foolish to pass up Minister Keith. I think I'll refer to him as MK for the rest of this post.)
What is a "sand ceremony"? I smell a new post topic.
Awe, there he is. I don't know about IWANYW but I was surely missing the witty (and original!) comments from our brethren in middle America. How's the King?
Can you believe it? I am spending my too-brief, self-imposed unemployment commenting on this blog. Getting out of the old gig was hectic... for some reason they expected me to explain what I have been doing for the last several years to those left to pick up the pieces.
self-imposed unemployment?? Hopefully you worked out a deal where you were "laid off".
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