But regarding save-the-dates, I think the following are important:
* A picture of the bride and groom must be used. How many times have you been to a wedding where you didn't know who the bride or the groom was??
* Make sure said photo doesn't look too.....[insert word of your choice that's nicer than gay.]
* Both the bride and groom must agree on the format to be used. Horizontal, vertical, seasonal, 1 image vs. multiple images, etc.
I'm sure I'll have other constraints when it's time to pull the trigger.
I like the whole contact sheet idea.
I don't know bro. I remember getting Pete & Stef's magnet and laughed all the way until the wedding day! JK But seriously, make sure it's done right because their picture and the quality was not all that great! It looked like it was done by a 3rd grader. Got it?!
I hear ya...on both fronts. it'll look good whatever we do....besides, G is taking the photos. (Coco's mom loved the first run!)
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