Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Man, oh, man....

What's with planes crashing in Thailand??!

Our honeymoon is now completely on the rocks. You should see Coco scrambling...

Why am I not scrambling, you ask??

Because I would be just as happy poolside at the Motel 8 on Country Road 52 in Omaha, Nebraska. You know the one a 1/4 mile down from the Nelson Pig Farm & Slaughterhouse. Mmmm - bacon.


Anonymous said...

man, oh, man is right. you can go to the motel 9 or whatever it is and i'll go Thailand.

Anonymous said...

I'm no world traveler, but seems like a good rule of thumb not to buy tickets on anything called "One-Two-Go" airlines.

PS Mmmmm. Bacon.

The groom-to-be said...

Can you say Greece??

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm Greecey bacon.