Thursday, May 3, 2007

Honeymoon Banter

True to who she is as a person, how receptive she is to people's opinions, and exactly what I expected - Thailand got hit with the jab. It's knees buckled and it could be getting knocked down for the count. Not exactly a true statement but it is has drifted from our #1 to 1 of the top 3. What are the remaining 2 you ask? I don't know.

This morning's subway discussions have evolved into a new locale; 4 or 5 days in Sedona (perhaps here) followed by 10 days in Cabo (which I am just finding out is actually Cabo San Lucas or Los Cabos or the Cabo Corridor). Coco just loves this place and wants to stay here. Very nice. [Sidebar: Is it me or does anyone else hate TheOneAndOnly website?? I just don't get it.]

My thoughts on the matter: I just want the dollar to go as far as it possibly can. Nothing wrong with that, right? Didn't think so.

Coco, when will you have the honeymoon spreadsheet ready for my analysis?

ps...this could definitely mean more $$$ for the Honeymoon.


Anonymous said...

don't forget we spoke of Hawaii (so boring) or the Maldives.

Embedded in Brooklyn said...

Hawaii does have a bit of culture....def. beauty, but for some people, just not a honeymoon destination.

The Maldives on the other hand...i'm not sure there is much culture there, but who am I to know for sure.,73.78418&spn=2.559601,5.141602&t=h&z=8&om=1

Unknown said...

a dress from target?! now THAT'S funny. please groom, let us know how that suggestion goes over :)