Since it's supposed to be the trip of a life time, I'd like to travel to a place I've never been to before and a place that we most likely won't get to again in our lifetime.
I'm driving myself crazy with all of my prospects. Once I get an idea into my head, there is no living with me, especially when it comes to traveling. I become obsessed, and I think I've changed my mind about 10 times already. I've learned that September is a tricky time of year weather wise. Thailand is automatically ruled out due to monsoon season, same with the Caribbean (hurricanes), Europe presents the problem of not being hot enough. It's cold in the southern part of South America and in New Zealand.
My requirements:
1: Beach
2: Tropical climate
3: Beach
4: Must have other activities so my fiance won't go crazy from boredom.
5: Beach
6: Must have people willing to serve me one of these while basking in the HOT, HOT sun
7: Beach
8: Hotel must be nice (read: my definition of nice is most likely better than yours)
9: Beach
10: an Anti-Kid Hotel
11: Beach
12: Would like to experience a different culture
13: Beach
Ideally, I'd like to take my experience that I had here and transplant it somewhere far away from Brooklyn.
So far, I've wanted to go to New Zealand, Cabo, Tahiti, Tanzania, France, Italy, Spain, Hawaii, Maldives, Mauritius, Bali, and Seychelles.
I have since ruled out:
Tanzania: While beautiful, I'm not sure that it would be a great spot for a honeymoon...too much moving around, a girl needs to relax.
Cabo: Too close and I think that it's a place where we can spend a long weekend away at some point.
New Zealand: too cold
Hawaii: I feel like I'll get there at some point in my life.
France (Saint Tropez): I simply adore this country but I think it won't be warm enough - even down south. I worry when the average temp is only 69 degrees F.
Maldives: If I hit the lottery, I will be staying HERE and taking all of my friends with me.
Mauritius: Please see above
Seychelles: WAAAAY too expensive. It costs almost 3K to get there!
Bali: Too far - yet I hear that once there the dollar goes a looong way. Any thoughts on that?
So now my top choices are Tahiti and Italy, and Maldives if I win lotto (of course).
What do you think we should do? Island hop in Tahiti or hit up Rome and the Amalfi Coast, part sight-seeing part beach.
In the words of my favorite AI Host. "The lines are open for at least two hours...You've got to vote, Vote for your favorites..."
Help us decide!
Um, but I didn't see you come home with any lottery tickets - all it takes is a dollar and a dream.
Ummmmm...I could have told you all that! The narrowing down has already been done for you whether you realize it or not. I want to come with you guys on the HM and I'm willing to do anything for it....except:
carry bags - cause i got a bad back
run to the bar to get you drinks - cause i sweat easily
put the lotion on - because I'd feel wierd
Arrange daily activities - I probably won't speak the language
Save you if you're drowning - I'm scared of things (read sharks and floating seaweed) in the water
But I will take pictures. :)
I'm so afraid of sharks as well, in tahiti they have shark feedings, and scuba dives with Tiger and Hammerheads. I don't know what nut jobs participate in that since tiger and hammerheads are two very aggressive sharks.
but G, you can certainly come on the HM, make sure to bring E tho.
but do you think it should be Tahiti or Italy? i'm taking votes.
We've got a vote! Stop the presses!
Italy - 1
The Rest of the World - 0
Tahitit! Without a doubtit!
Italy in the winter? You goin to Turin?
I'm just happy to see you stumble into the very same conclusion that we did...which is, it's hard to go on a honeymoon in October with somewhat limited funds and all these damned hurricanes flying around..Europe is too cold - the far east to damned far and well, that pretty much leaves you with nothing...but WAIT...he's a nugget for you. TUNIS. Look into it, it's on the north side of the sahara, but there are little islands (I think) off the coast and they're supposably off the hook.
You could always do MORACCCCCA
G$ i need more info on Tunisia! i'm having a hard time finding..please assist.
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