Friday, March 16, 2007

Due To Time Constraints...

I was unable to make a post about a most important topic. I'm a day late with letting the world know you're one year older but believe me, I had their best interests in mind. I mean, come on, you're only turning 25. Two-Five. Damn. I. Scored.

Happy 25th, baby!

(psssss...She's thinks she'll catch me. She won't. It's IMPOSSIBLE.)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

thanks babe for the shout out even tho it's a day late. I know i'll never catch you b/c you are OLDER than me. but the good thing is that you can tell me how it feels when you hit certain milestones, like 50, b/c when you're 50 i'll still be in my very early 40s.

The groom-to-be said...

let me get to 34 first, alright, wiseass.