The Wedding Party.
I know, I know! FIFTEEN people seems like a lot but I think it's necessary. The day after we got engaged I started thinking about who I wanted as my bridesmaids. After I rattled off the names, my husband-to-be almost fell over and demanded that I cut down the number. He said "TK did it the best - You should have one person representing each group of friends." I scoffed, there was no way in hell that I would cut out my friends, some of whom I've known since middle school. Middle school I say! Do you know long a friendship that is?! And besides, it's my bridal party and I wasn't about to listen to him. We can negotiate on
silver patterns but not on bridesmaids. He picks his and I pick mine. End of story! I have spoken! I am woman. Hear. Me. R.O.A.R!
The truth is, I really truly love my friends. I am EXTREMELY lucky to have obtained and maintained these relationships over the years and, of course, to have picked up a few new ones along the way (even though most of them don't read this blog. They say they are too busy or whatever other lame excuse they've given me. You know who you are your bridesmaidship is in JEOPARDY! Haha.) Alas, I digress. I've settled on nine lovely ladies to do me the honor of walking down the aisle with me. I also promised they wouldn't have to wear something like
Point to note; there are less groomsmen then there are bridesmaids. What can I say, I guess I'm just more popular than he is (kidding sweetheart). He has chosen six fine gentlemen to do him the honor but I'll let him tell you a little bit about them. I'll stick to the ladies. We'll have more pics of them up soon. These are just a few. There are just too many good ones to leave out!
And in no particular order, they are:
Amy! - My lovely, much-wiser-then-thou younger sister, will be my
Maid of Honor. She is an extremely special person in my life. She never ceases to amaze me in how smart she is. She's a little quiet but when she wants to say something it's usually quite profound and it sometimes stops me in my tracks even though she thinks everyone (read: Mom) interrupts her. Yay for Amy, she's gorgeous and will be the best maid of honor anyone could ever ask for (she's super excited to
plan certain festivities).
Heather! - My other, lovely, almost lawyer sister. It's odd because we are opposite in our
beliefs, she wears a lot of
pink (while I prefer black), she's going to be a lawyer and wear nude stockings for the rest of her life and is okay with that (the thought just kills me)! But we can actually finish each other's sentences, it's like we share a brain sometimes.
Joanna! - One of my oldest friends. We first met in dance class at the age of 5. Met again in middle school and by high school we became the greatest of friends. People actually thought we were lesbians because we spent so much time together! We've been through an insane amount together:
high school,
college and have survived many fights. I have a friend for life in this extremely
talented and slightly crazy lady. (the handsome gentleman with the glasses happens to be my fiance!)
Mara! - Another friend of mine from high school. (Wantagh Warriors!!) She is currently living
HERE . She has been living there for 2 years now and I can't wait for her to come home! Only a few more months and she'll be back in NY. Mara is one of the most loyal friends I have ever had. She's the one with the mohawk!
Diana! - Again, one of my oldest friends. Me, Jo, Mara and Diana go together like peas and carrots. We met in the gym locker room when we realized that both of our families went to the
RACES every year. After that, we became great friends. DA (as I like to call her) is FUN, smart, loyal and extremely caring, with a touch of OCD. We like to move things around in her room and watch her put them back in its rightful spots without even thinking about it. It's fun.
Elite! - I met E three years ago and I admit that I was slightly intimidated by her at first (She's in HR afterall. Is it me or does everyone in HR
intimidate?? Soon enough, I realized that I had found a fantastic friend. Someone once said to me that E is a WOMAN, that she defines the word and I agree with that 100%. I've learned a hell of a lot from her over the last few years and I'm lucky to have her in my life. She's also married to
G$, another amazing friend, who will be a groomsman (I'll let Bri tell you about him).
Sara! - I met Sara in college. We were randomly put together as roommates and before you knew it we were inseparable. She became another member of my family. We survived living together for three years at school - she was very tolerant! We don't get to see each other as much as I would like b/c she is busy becoming a
doctor! Sara is sweet, a little shy, extremely thoughtful and to this day, one of my favorite dancing partners. Falucka in the house!!!
Lori! - Lori went to
college with Bri. What an awesome woman. I happen to look up to Lori very much. She's super smart, charismatic, successful, a ton of fun and she doesn't take anyones sh!t (everything that I hope to be someday). We are
very sad b/c she's moving to
Chi-Town very soon. Booo. It's for a good reason though b/c she's also engaged and her man lives there. We'll miss you Lori!! I wonder if she'll dance on the bar at the wedding??
And last but certainly not least:
Amanda! - I met Amanda less than a year ago. We
work together and quickly became friends. Amanda is another one who is a ton of fun. Whether she is pushing me around the office in a moving cart, at the gym together, or out dancing our tushes off we have a blast. She's become one of my closest friends and I have a feeling that this friendship will be around for a llllllloooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggg time.
So there they are folks. The nine lovely ladies who will proceed me down the aisle. Now for the groomsmen, take it away Bri....(he's napping on the couch so it might have to wait until tomorrow. Or Monday.)