Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Reducing The Size Of Our "Footprint"

Every time I bring up the topic of ways we can incorporate green aspects into the wedding, Coco goes off, rightfully, on a tangent about recycling. To be honest, we do not recycle and I blame it fully on the fact that we just don't know what the rules are in our 'hood.

Fitting, via Brownstoner to OnlyTheBlogKnowsBrooklyn, I've learned that Park Slope (aka The Slope) is #1 in the city. The Department of Sanitation rates the highest PS with a 30% recycling rate, that's capturing 60-65% of recyclable waste. Sadly, we do not contribute to this feat. This post provides some great tips and links directly to the newly created Office of Recycling Outreach and Education. You can read about it here if you're interested. Tell me I'm not the only one who didn't know that people shouldn't be using blue bags anymore - at least in PS??!

I'll see what we can do as far as our building is concerned. Changes need to happen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here in Chicaaaaago- we have to DRIVE our SUV to drop off our recycling. With great pleasure of course.