2008 came with inches of powder - glorious, morning-welcoming, white powder - upon mountaintops in Massachusetts. "The Berkshires", Kathy's (via el Jeffe) country retreat
"994 Hartsville-New Marlborough Road"), provided a wonderful getaway (remember
The Getaway People?!?) to the twists and turns that life's ride gives you.
Coco and I want to wish everyone a happy and health new year!!
It's barely over and she's already complaining about:1) going back to work (tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, next Monday, next Tuesday...sadly, the day does not matter)
2) not seeing Ava enough
3) being hungover (it
is January 1st, afterall)
4) not seeing Ava enough
5) being hungry (read: hangover hungry is different than Coco's
normal hungry.)
6) believing that the nuances in McNamara-family-communication-world
will not exist in our union.
7) being hungry
and missing Ava
still being hungry (and not wanting to go to work wherein 'attendance' is expected tomorrow.)
ps...pix of Ava's first trip to NYC to follow