Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Pictures We Wish We Would Could Take Over - Or Not

In true G$ fashion - these wedding pix are a must look at. (Read: SFW)

ps...That means 'safe for work'.

Los Mets

Congrats to Omar and the Mets (Omar. Omar. Omar...and the M-e-t-s.) for finally acquiring the best pitcher in baseball - Johan Santana. While I love watching farm hands make it up to the bigs, giving up just these four is definitely worth it.

Did anyone else hear me channeling Elton?!?

All I need now is for the Patriots to make history. Go P-A-T-S!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Come dite?

With the Honeymoon quickly approaching, I think it's high time I get to learning Italian. Ideally, I'd love to find the best means via an iPod. I haven't done any due diligence as of yet, but if you have used something that has worked well for you, please pass it along. Grazie

ps...our vino del mese (read: wine of the month) is Valpolicella (Allegrini). Fitting, huh? And delicious. Perfezioni per qualcuno che stia cominciando a godere il vino rosso.

Counting Down

- I would hate to be these poor folk. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope Duet is no Celebration Studios. Ouch. Sounds like a reason for wedding insurance. Wish I had a nickname like C-Note...

- In other Wedding Fotog Saves Little Girl news; its pretty miraculous I might add. See for yourself.

- 5 day? 2000 guests? Jeez.

- I've stumbled across this informative piece on choosing the right metal for wedding bands. Did know metals could be hypoallergenic??

- Talk about doing anything for love. Coco, I would if you would.

- And if Valentine's Day wasn't just around the corner; WE TV is putting the smack down on other channels as it gets ready to run a bazillion wedding shows. Who knew they also had plans to dominate the world - WEGoBridal Rulez!!

- Since Coco always seems to be bored, I thought I would put this link out there to keep her busy. I'm very curious to see what the stars have to say about our wedding plans. Can you say Brideoscope!!?!

- Why on earth wasn't I aware of this?!? I mean, she does work for Conde Nast. Oh, wait. That's right. She has already moved in. Doh.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I've finally updated the 'Songs of the Moment' section. The Juno soundtrack seems to work. As much as I can't stand Kimya Dawson at times, there are times when her stuff - or at least is OK to listen to. The soundtrack also includes some B&S. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


What to report....what to report....

-Coco wants a wedding cake like THIS!! As if.
I get my piece first!

-Keeping with the theme; I wonder what we'll do about a cake?! Do we choose a sophisticated elegant look, or show our playfulness and select something more in line with the above?? I just want it to taste good. With buttercream. A hint of whiskey (the scotch kind). And chocolate. Mmmm. What IS fondant anyway?? Coco, anything here make you hungry??

-And here's our tribute to "The Biggest [Wedding] Loser"...who in their right mind would order a wedding dress 8 sizes smaller than her current size. I'm not too sure but the groom just happens to work at a health club - score. How far off is that wedding anway?

-Wedding Insurance; still didn't get it yet. Doh.

-BFAM (NC); this IS ALL YOU! ¿Dónde es el EL Producto??

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Tribute - Of Sorts


It's taken me a while but as a tribute to Chadley (via "Where's Brad?"), seeing that I'm 110% sure that his lil niece would certainly approve, I've added Ava (via "Here's Ava!!"). Damn - this kid is cute!

In wedding news, Coco is now the official wedding coordinator. All inquiries and requests should be directed her way. Stay tuned for news on wedding veils, mens formal wear, the best 5" heels to wear down the aisle, and "Coco's Daily Countdown". Phew - I'm done with this. Almost.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 - A Very Special Year

2008 came with inches of powder - glorious, morning-welcoming, white powder - upon mountaintops in Massachusetts. "The Berkshires", Kathy's (via el Jeffe) country retreat
(aka "994 Hartsville-New Marlborough Road"), provided a wonderful getaway (remember The Getaway People?!?) to the twists and turns that life's ride gives you.

Coco and I want to wish everyone a happy and health new year!!

It's barely over and she's already complaining about:

1) going back to work (tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, next Monday, next Tuesday...sadly, the day does not matter)
2) not seeing Ava enough
3) being hungover (it is January 1st, afterall)
4) not seeing Ava enough
5) being hungry (read: hangover hungry is different than Coco's normal hungry.)
6) believing that the nuances in McNamara-family-communication-world will not exist in our union.
7) being hungry and missing Ava
8) still being hungry (and not wanting to go to work wherein 'attendance' is expected tomorrow.)

ps...pix of Ava's first trip to NYC to follow