Saturday, November 24, 2007

Chesapeake Roundup

Well, Coco and I have made it back from Chesapeake in one piece. Surprisingly, the two of us thought we'd arrive back in Brooklyn, much more worn. We thought lil Ava would be up (and us with her) most of the night. If I said I heard her once through the night I'd be lying. I didn't hear a peep. Coco even claims to "not have such good sleep since being in my mother's womb". Fitting if you ask me given the theme of our trip.

I've come away from our trip with a few key points:

1) My niece, Ava, rocks. check out the pix from our trip.

2) Coco will make a great mother some day.

3) I like Jenoa as a sister-in-law more and more.

4) Even though he's a dad, Sean is still a goof. I'm sure Jenoa will agree 100%.

5) The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is l-o-n-g. At first thought, a $12 toll seems out of line but at 20 miles, I'd say it beats the Verranzano-Narrows $9 looting.

6) Jenoa's sister, Laurel, is so jealous that she'll have to wait until February to see her niece. Seeing who can (and will!) spoil her most will obviously be a 'who knows how long this will last' competition between Laurel and Team Brefanie. Bring it on, Laurel! Team Brefanie rules!!

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