Friday, October 19, 2007

Just as an FYI

We've gotten some really great feedback regarding our Save the Date cards! We just wanted to let the world know that our pal G$ was the one behind the lens. To see more of his work, you can either come over to our apartment (I think we represent pretty well) or go to

* Please note that I forgot how to do that link thingy and Brian is ignoring my plea for help. =)


The groom-to-be said...

nice shout out. For future reference see HTML for the Complete Idiot

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha. CLASSIC

Anonymous said...

The cards are great! We may just have to rip them off for our holiday/moving announcement and all.

Anonymous said...

I think people would be confused if they saw our photos on your moving cards but whatever works for you heheheh! we only charge a small fee. =)

Embedded in Brooklyn said...

Thanks for the credit. :)

FFP (for future purposes), please use
