Pedestals was suggested to us by a couple of now newly-weds. Obviously I can't speak to the details of the what had gone down -I obviously didn't listen well enough when they returned just before halftime - but 1) they quoted us a much better price than Colonial and 2) Coco L-O-V-E-D the floral coordinator, Vito.
Stack the characteristics I have now omitted due to a certain someone's demands (married men, I'm already losing, aren't I?) on top (just imagine the pun intended) of a personality that LOVES designing with flowers and we've got another marriage, of sorts. All kidding aside it screams of a perfect match. (Kidding aside?? What kidding??) He loved her (our) vision and is very excited to work with us. As are we. We've heard he only gets the best reviews.
Bring it on, Vito.
ps...because I can no longer say/write what I want on this blog, I may stop saying/writing. Or at least leave it up to her.
pps...Disclosure: If I have selected your skills for my wedding, no biases exist no matter what may or may not be written about you. Unless you're a Yankee fan, of course.
ppps...IM demanding removal of post:
loveforfire15: nooo no nooo
loveforfire15: it's funny and you're a great writer but if he reads it i don't want him to be offended
loveforfire15: seriously, I love you but the wedding may be off if you don't remove it
BtotheMC: what. you know there's no mal intent on my part..
loveforfire15: about the gay and the growing up gotti
loveforfire15: it's a great post but i dont' want to offend him in any way in case he reads the blog as it's in my email. I'm not sure why I care so much since no one really reads it save 3 maybe 4 people. and you're harmless.
BtotheMC: not picking up [she was calling me at work]
loveforfire15: brian i'm serious, i may call the whole thing off.
loveforfire15: it's a little on the mean side although you don't have a mean bone in your body - except when i need bugs squished
BtotheMC: it is? its not meant to be. i love that show. i'm pro gay. i love hot, italian sausage when you put it in with the meatballs.
loveforfire15: and i really don't think it's necessary to bring in what he looks like
BtotheMC: i'll try and fix it so it doesn't come across like you say. thats not my intent.
loveforfire15: you are making fun of his appearance although i really know you're not
loveforfire15: which isn't nice
loveforfire15: please fix about the gay and the spikey mikey and growing up gotti
BtotheMC: can i leave the picture?
loveforfire15: nooooo
loveforfire15: pretty please no - you'll get good lovin' if you take it down
loveforfire15: i wouldn't want to read anything like that about myself although i'm not sure what you say about me that is negative
BtotheMC: just so we are clear it was never meant to be mean
pppps...Some of Coco's IM responses have been doctored. Blame it on me.
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