Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Six Month Mark...YIKES!

We've hit the six month mark and we are now officially racing to the altar (please note that we are not getting married in a church nor are we performing any religious, sacrificial offerings). My mother had me in a bit of a panic last night and so did Their check list is HUGE and out of 189 things, we have about 60 finished. Things to tackle in the next few weeks: Limos, Chair Covers, Flowers and Invitations. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe "chair covers" are on the list of things you are worried about. Invitations? Yes. Flowers? Yes. "Chair covers"? Not so much.

The groom-to-be said...

nice job, baby! way to pick up my slack.

Anonymous said...

if you saw the actual chairs, "chair covers" would be on your list too. trust me. UGLY.

SpecialK said...

I stumbled upon your blog. I am getting married right before you at the Carlyle on Friday, 9/5/08. The chairs could be the most hideous things EVER - my fiance doesn't understand. I'm in the process of dealing with this now.

The groom-to-be said...

SpecialK........what vendors are you looking into? we have some vendor site visits the first w/e in April...