Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weird (& Celebrity) Wedding News

Can you imagine if I had to forfeit the deposit because of this!

Or if Mr and Mrs. Big A were like this?!

No guns allowed. Even you know who.

Wedding dress due diligence is a must.

Holy Sh-t! Wedding Day hair nightmare. Fast forward to 1:38 and watch from there. Jeez! It's like a bad train wreck - I just can't look away. Who brought the scissors?? God bless the girl who kept filming. God bless her. She deserves some sort of award. Is it bad that I can't stop laughing? See it here.

It also seems that the woman-who-I-didn't-propose-to's wedding will be missing one, sorry two, guests. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.


The Bride's Sister said...

Oh my g-d! I can't even begin...I'm speechless! Bride, don't worry, I'll never EVER allow you to become that crazy...even though you are not crazy, but if it ever got to that point, I'd clearly step in.

The groom-to-be said...

tell me about it. if only the world could see what we've seen.